Lab Booking Software

Optimize lab booking and maximize resource utilization

Skedda empowers your scientists, technicians and students to self-service book the use of your lab spaces and valuable equipment. Smart platform automations remove the administrative hassle.

Skedda Lab Booking
Interactive Floor Plan
Interactive Floor Plans

Bring your dynamic workspace to life

Whether it’s a scribble on paper or a detailed architectural plan, we’ll create a professional, interactive floor plan that your users can start booking as soon as possible.
Custom Rules and Roles
Custom Rules & Roles

Precision control for every team member

Define who can access specific resources, book certain spaces, or use specialized equipment. Whether it’s restricting access to high-security labs or ensuring only certified staff can reserve specific creative tools, our platform adapts to your unique operational needs.
Skedda Scheduling Platform

Get everyone on the same page for bookings

Lab time is valuable. Skedda eliminates costly inefficiencies and mishaps with clever features like quotas, buffer times and guaranteed conflict-prevention. Make the scheduling of your lab resources an afterthought.

"Once a user has been onboarded with the right tags, they’re logged in and don’t need any training. They have a great map and can immediately start using the space.”

Steve Maclaren
Chief Operating Officer @ The National Robotarium
Skedda Integrations

Connect your apps with Skedda

Effortlessly integrate your existing tech stack—from collaboration platforms and SAML SSO to Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 & Outlook.
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Skedda Integration

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Elevate Your Workspace with Skedda

Say goodbye to the chaos of space allocation and welcome a new era of workplace harmony.

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